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Graphics layout and uploading tips

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When uploading files, please email your sales person and/or customer service representative and notify him or her that files have been uploaded. Attached to that email, please provide a low res pdf of the file that has been uploaded and the name of the documents uploaded. For Graphic packaging files, please use Adobe Illustrator and/or Photoshop exclusively.

ILLUSTRATOR File (AI, EPS, or PDF): known as "layout" File

  • Do not flatten layers. If a layer is hidden, and not meant to print, delete it.

  • Convert text to outlines. If you anticipate that text edits may be necessary, please supply separate font file, with the layout file.

  • Use the CMYK document color mode.

  • Spot colors must be PANTONE solid coated. Any graphic element meant to print with the spot color must be "filled" with that spot color. A spot color in the swatch palette does not indicate that the color must print. Delete unused swatches.

PHOTOSHOP Files (PSD, TIF, or EPS): known as "placed images" or "support graphics"

  • Final files should be CMYK. If an RGB file is supplied, it will be converted and a color shift may occur.

  • Files must be "high res", which is 300 DPI when the image is scaled to 100% of the final print size.

  • We often need to edit the placement of graphics, or extract more bleed. If the file allows, please do not flatten layers. However, delete excessive layers to reduce the file size. It is recommended to flatten intricate effects and delete any hidden layer


Use button below to upload artwork for your graphics projects. If you do not currently have a user name and password, please contact your Welch Packaging Sales representative or Customer Service Representative and they will assist you.

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